Friday, June 3, 2016

4 Weeks to a Sexy Summer Beach Body

Now that you're jumping around for joy because Summer's almost here I thought it only fitting that I give you a routine that will get you in Bikini body shape in just 4 weeks! This routine includes Plyometric exercises and isometrics for your abs. This calorie scorching cardio routine is going to have you jumping for joy right over to that Bikini rack as you see the pounds and inches just dropping away.
So go ahead and buy a Bikini two sizes smaller than what you are currently wearing because if you will commit yourself to this workout you will have no problem getting into it!
The Bikini Body Workout Plan
  • Train Three Times A Week - not on consecutive days and make sure you warm up for at least five minutes before you begin.
  • Days 1 and 3 - perform three sets of 18 to 20 repetitions of each movement with lighter resistance.
  • Day Two - do three sets but cut the number repetitions and half and increase the resistance you are using.
  • Complete All the Moves - follow the exact order as given and rest for 45 seconds between sets.
  • Equipment Needed - you will need a set of resistance bands, an isometric exerciser and stability ball. Total investment under $100. (Still cheaper than a gym membership, they go for hundreds of dollars a year.)
Here Are the Top 3 Exercises to Get You in Beach Body Shape
Squat Jump - this exercise works your butt and your legs. Stand facing the bench or step with your feet shoulder width apart, arms in front of you. Jump onto the bench using your arms to help propel you, and then jump. You can jump or step down, perform the repetitions as directed above.
Single Leg Bridge - this exercise targets your butt, legs and core. To perform this exercise lay down on the floor face up with one of your heels on the stability ball. Keep your arms at your sides. Lift up your hips and bring your right knee towards your chest. Keep your right knee bent and hips lifted and then roll the ball in so your left knee is bent at a 90° angle. Roll the ball out and repeat. Switch your legs and complete the set.
Spiderman Push-Up - this exercise targets your chest, arms, and core. Lower yourself to the ground and assume a push-up position. Your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulders. (If you need to rest on your knees its okay) bring your right hand forward a few inches as you draw your left knee towards your left elbow. At the same time, lower your chest towards the floor. Push back up, return to your starting position and switch sides for your next repetition.
Unfortunately, that's all the room that we have in this article to break down the complete program. The beach body workout consists of 9 exercises in total. In the next article, I will give you the rest of the workout and some tips to maximize your results!
Wouldyou like to have a Bikini body in just 4 weeks? I'm talking about a flat stomach, toned arms and firm butt. Then visit my website and get the complete Bikini BodyWorkout and the Bikini body diet that led to eat just about anything and still have a beach body.


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